Day 17 begins
Day 17 begins
morning was looking far better than the previous one and I was the
only one to stir, Mac was not up yet and so I crept about so not to
wake him. It was fantastic to have a bathroom and all the facilities
of the modern living lifestyles we lead. The sun was popping its head
out for a while, so I got the wet tent from yesterday out in the back
garden to dry. The coat and rain cover for the bag were dry now and I
thought how timely it was that I got a chance to use a washing
machine to re-proof it.

was up so early in part because I was expecting a call from radio Humberside at about 7.20 am, to appear (on the phone) with their
weekend breakfast radio D.J. Carl Wheatley. (Click on Pic above) I was quite nervous too,
as I had no real idea what he would ask me nor how it might come
across on air. But all I had to do was be myself and remember to be
brief when answering, and I have been talking for so many years, how
hard could it be? I had used the bathroom and gotten ready for the
interview a few minutes before I had realised that the phone signal
was really poor here. I was getting into a panic as all I could get
was one bar of signal, and few minutes remained. I tried everything,
every direction and no joy. I stood close to the windows to the
garden and then the phone rang at 19 minutes past 7am and I was
speaking with a young lady who said that I would be live on air as
soon as the song playing ended. Thank goodness, a signal strong
enough to talk, but would it suddenly disappear? I heard the song
coming to a conclusion and got ready for the presenter to speak to
me. Earlier I had been surprised, as listening via the internet to
the show, Carl had already plugged me and said some very nice things
about the upcoming interview.
actual interview is still a blur, a fuzzy haze, and I have no idea if
I sounded coherent or at all was mumbling randomly. I remember Carl
had a very radio friendly voice and put me at ease as we chatted for
about 5 minutes. (There is a link to the interview here, Click here)
Make your own minds up, but I began thinking of loads of things I
forgot to mention, once the conversation with Carl was over and I was
thanked by the young producer again. Still, I fought the fear and
weathered the storm of my own doubts and challenged the world to
respond to my project IMAGINE and the opportunity for kindnesses
being shown towards me.
Radio interview listen here. Click Here.
Radio interview listen here. Click Here.
began packing my bag as Steve the lodger came back in from his night
away and we chatted for quite a while as he explained his views on
many subjects. Actually I don't think he was a lodger, more a mate
that needed a hand out, and Mac was the man for that if ever there
was need. Steve is a mechanic and had to go out to work so left me to
carry on packing my bag away.
had described himself as a rough diamond, but I would have said a
gentle giant. Sure he dealt with some things in the world the way
people in his line of work had to, but beneath all the roughness, he
was a man who cared for people and it showed. And I for one have a
huge debt to his kindness, the spaghetti bolognaise was awesome, and
the hospitality delightful.
Mac finally stirred I was almost set but asked if I could carry on
typing for a bit longer. He said there was no rush for me to leave as
he set about feeding me again, gammon and eggs.....ooh delicious...
I said before, things like this are hard to leave, and people as
friendly and giving are hard to forget, so we said our goodbyes and I
set off to see a bit of Hornsea. I mainly stuck to the sea front and
then the coastal path as I moved northward toward Bridlington way off
in the distance.
day was brighter and I was walking without my coat for the first time
in a few days. Here there was a lot of coast to walk, and I tried to
keep off the beach at first thinking that it would be too soft to walk
on easily. However, what with the rains or storms, the path along the
top of the bluff had fallen away in so many places it felt safer to
walk on the sand and risk drowning if the sea came back in too fast.
The tides did seem to go a long way out in places, and yet the debris
on the shoreline would indicate it came up quite high every high
tide, twice per day. I was horrified that in some places it had
really caused a lot of damage, as with the seawall at Skipsea which
was almost totally destroyed, and caravan pitches perilously close to
the edge, or abandoned all together where the concrete bases had
given way.
paths were sodden and in places I was wading to get through. ( I say
wading, I mean a bit of skirting the fields actually, I can do
without my feet getting trench foot.) The going was quite tough and
yet the views were still excellent, and by early afternoon I had
arrived at a shop come tea garden come pizzaria take away place. The
staff were very cordial and I asked if they minded me sitting typing
in their sunny garden.
They even ran me an extension cable so that I could have power out in the garden. Well done to Barry Nathan and the lady who's name I didn't catch for such a pleasant afternoon in the sun garden drinking tea, with cake and strawberries and fresh cream..... oooh think of the calories I have to walk off now. The evening was rolling in with the breeze from the sea, and I figured it was time to set up camp for the night. Along the sea edge I found where a canal entered the sea through a one way flow valve. There was one of those concrete bunkers that used to serve the soldiers as a lookout post 'during the war', hidden partly in the long grass and I made good use of the cover it gave from the winds that might blow through the night. The long grass compressed to give me a wonderful mattress upon which to relieve the otherwise hardness of the ground. It also helped to insulate the tent base from seepage of my body heat. The natural incline helped to give me a feeling that if water entered the tent as it may do under heavy rain, that at least I wouldn't drown in my sleep.
They even ran me an extension cable so that I could have power out in the garden. Well done to Barry Nathan and the lady who's name I didn't catch for such a pleasant afternoon in the sun garden drinking tea, with cake and strawberries and fresh cream..... oooh think of the calories I have to walk off now. The evening was rolling in with the breeze from the sea, and I figured it was time to set up camp for the night. Along the sea edge I found where a canal entered the sea through a one way flow valve. There was one of those concrete bunkers that used to serve the soldiers as a lookout post 'during the war', hidden partly in the long grass and I made good use of the cover it gave from the winds that might blow through the night. The long grass compressed to give me a wonderful mattress upon which to relieve the otherwise hardness of the ground. It also helped to insulate the tent base from seepage of my body heat. The natural incline helped to give me a feeling that if water entered the tent as it may do under heavy rain, that at least I wouldn't drown in my sleep.
quick snifter of the brandy helped with a chill I felt rising,
despite the general warmth of the night approaching. As my head
touched the makeshift pillow I was sparked out and in a world where
the summer was golden fields of corn ripening under the constant sun.
here day 17 ended swiftly.
Beautifully described and explained!x